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Webmaster requirements and salary

Webmaster Requirements and Salary

Webmaster Requirements and Job Description:

Top Duties and Qualifications for a Webmaster
Importance of web design in digital social networking and marketing

A Webmaster requires a TON of IT technical skills.

A WEBMASTER! Has to have experience with SEO, programming troubleshooting software, and/or hardware for your company website.

Did you know?

Webmasters must have at least a 5-year degree in cybersecurity, web design, SEO, SEM, development, and computer science.

What Does a Webmaster Do?

Most Webmasters work for corporations across industries to oversee company websites and/or servers.
They work closely with owners and/or upper management personnel and other web professionals to identify website needs and improve the user’s experience, SEO/SEM and identify and fix security issues.
Their job is to use one or more programming languages to design or update website code. They may also be responsible for monitoring website traffic and creating features to track the number of site visitors, clicks or purchases that occur through the website.

What is the Average Salary of a Webmaster?

The base salary for a Webmaster per year ranges from $71,700 to $94,000 with the average base salary of $82,200.
The average Webmaster’s Hourly Wage is $30.58.

How Much Should Professionally Built Website Cost in 2023?

The average cost for a webmaster to build a website (with an agency or a freelancer) is around $12,000 to $150,000.
Using a (do-it-yourself) website builder (not recommended), the cost is $0 to $500 per month.
Meanwhile, routine professional site maintenance costs $400 to $60,000 per year.
Or $0 to $5400 per year with a do-it-yourself website builder.

Know the Pros and Cons of DIY Website vs. A Professionally Developed Website.

There are plenty of Do It Yourself website builders to choose from and countless online articles to get you started in the website design and build process, but,
Where do you start? Who do you hire? Do you do-it-yourself? How much should it cost? What DYI website builder platform is the best?

These are questions you’re probably going to ask yourself if you’re debating over DIY website builders or getting a professionally developed website.

Depending on who you ask, there are so MANY conflicting opinions that will leave you confused, googling around and seeing millions of supposed “RIGHT” answers.

You know the reasons why your business needs a website and that having your business online brings many benefits, but it’s hard to distinguish what’s best for you and what’s simply a waste of your time.

How Much is Your Time and Energy Worth?

DIY builders love to advertise their FREE (Actually not free) products as easily build a beautiful and stunning website in a day, but if you’re not a web designer or tech-savvy type, learning and understanding SEO/SEM using a DYI web builder will take a lot of time you could have spent running your business. You will need to have enough time, patience, and a willingness to learn. Once you get past the learning curve, you’ll be able to use the DYI website builder, but for those with time constraints and commitments, your website build could be a rather time-consuming project.

In Conclusion:

Hiring a webmaster to build your website would be the smartest thing to do. It’s like trying to learn how to fix your car instead of hiring a certified mechanic that spent years studying this exact skill.

If you are looking for a professional webmaster/website designer with 20+ years of experience.
Please fill out the form below to get started.

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