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Classipress – Solution for Spam Signups


In several of my Classipress sites I have seen recently have been filled with spam signups and spam posts.
Here are the programs, modules and methods that work to limit this?
I was getting about 100 – 200 signup spam-bots hitting my site per day, and noticed that the Google capita was useless against this.

What i did to eliminate 99.9% of spam on WordPress..
wangguard.com was my savior! ( I love the name, Translates into (Guard your WordPress Site against dicks)) This plugin took under 2 minutes to setup and was 99.9% effective!

Wangguard is the most advanced protection against sploggers and spam users registration that i have found, is fully WordPress, Classipress, WordPress MU ,BuddyPress and bbPress 2.0 compatible!

You can download it directly from WordPress here
If anyone is having trouble with this same thing in WordPress, Classipress, WordPress MU ,BuddyPress and bbPress 2.0 where you need customers to sign up on the site then this plugin is Highly recommended!
I hope this helped you, please leave your feedback below.

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