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How Much Should a Website Cost? FIND OUT HERE!

A friend friend of mine asked me what I’d charge to set up a website for his resort business and How Much Should a Website Cost?

Since i was so busy, I told him i didn’t have time to build one for him at the moment, and told him to simply search the net and make some inquires for rates.

So my friend sent inquiries to several designers and developers, expecting a lot of work for very small budget.
He got very frustrated when he didn’t get many responses and the ones he did get were way over priced for his budget.

“Are these people crazy?” he asked. “All these people want a lot more money than I’m willing to pay!”
My response to him was “You Get What You Pay For”.

What Is Your business Worth? And is it worth paying extra for a great looking, high ranking website?

Bargain shopping is great if you need a camera, cloths or a car, but not when you need a professional website or service, it just doesn’t work that way.

Lets say you need hip replacement surgery, would you A) bargain shop for the best price? or B) would you get the best Dr to do it right regardless of the cost?

After helping hundreds of businesses to create their websites, I’ve done and seen a lot.

The value of designers or developers goes beyond just the design of the website.

Their experiences, technical skills, and broad product knowledge can help you.

  • Avoid hidden technical and financial pitfalls; and
  • Choose the right solution for your budget level, technical level, and how much time you are prepared to commit.

If you are looking for a web design price chart for everything that has to do with building a website and getting it to RANK HIGH IN THE SEARCH ENGINES, there are plenty of resources scattered all over the internet.

How Much Should a Website Cost is Asking the wrong question!

How much a website should cost is a very generic question, it lacks a lot of specifics.

It’s the same as if I were to ask you how much should a car cost? Uh, well, can you be more specific?
What type of car do you want? – Does it need to be gas efficient? – What do you use it for? – What is your budget?

You can quickly see “how much does a car cost?” is actually quite a pretty complex question.
Just like budgeting for a car, the cost of a website is different to different people because everyone values the concept of “cost” in different ways.

For example, if you are a busy resort owner that has 50 things you have to do daily. You might value your time over money.
You would probably want to pay a little more to get things done right and on time.

For others that have all the time in the world to learn to code and do graphics, seo, database programming, hosting, security updates, troubleshooting etc, they may think they are overpaying for my services.
But when it comes to me, it’s a very fair price to pay.

Simply put, the cost of building your website boils down to 4 resources:

  • Time
  • Technical knowledge (or your interest to learn to code)
  • Design skills (or your willingness to learn design)
  • Money

So how you budget for your website, you should take into consideration:

  • How much time you are prepared to commit to learning web design;
  • How much money you are prepared to invest into hiring a professional webmaster; and
  • The missed opportunity costs of being able to use your time on higher valued business or personal things.
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