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Google Marketing Tools – Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is a FREE web service by Google

for webmasters trying to get an edge on thire marketing plan and website owners who want to know more about what the world is searching for when it comes to thier products or services. Google allows webmasters and website owners to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. Some of the google tools will help you find the Niche market you have been looking for…

Below is a list of useful Google Webmaster Tools:

Google’s Wonder Wheel

Google Search Engineer Adam talks about everything you can do with Google’s Wonder Wheel, a tool in the Search Options Panel.

This is a Great tool for finding your Niche Market audience:

Google Insights for Search: http://www.google.com/insights/search/#

We all know how important Niche keywords and Niche search phrases are. Let’s face it, it’s what drives the internet. Google has provided us with a tool that tells you what keywords and phrases people are using to find what they are looking for.

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal

Now that you have an idea what keywords your market is using you can use the trends tool to check the history of that keyword / phrase. Google Trends supplies data for the last 5 years, giving you an idea if the search term is consistent. You can also see if the search term is popular at certain times of the year, also known as a seasonal keywords

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