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22 Percent of Domains in the US are running WordPress

22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress.
These are staggering statistics! And the way WordPress is improving i'm sure it will extend into more and more users and developers hands and domains!

State of the Word

Posted August 19, 2011 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Community,Meta.

This has been an exciting year for WordPress. We’ve grown to power 14.7% of the top million websites in the world, up from 8.5%, and the latest data show 22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress.

I have been using WordPress for many many years now. I have used wordpress for almost all of my clients sites and only a few were actual blogs!

When you think about it, any kind of organization or business needs a recent news or events section right? So why wouldn’t you use the #1 CMS platform to accomplish just that; but with both ease of use and a stylish outcome. Its a no-brainer right?

I couldn’t see any reason why any of my clients would want to have a static website when WordPress does so much right out of the box.

I think that most people don’t realize that a WordPress can look any way and do anything they want it to. Many of my clients also don’t realize what the power of RSS can do!

WordPress, RSS and Google oh my!

They do play VERY well together…

They also conducted their first ever user and developer survey, which got over 18,000 responses from all over the world:
They found a few interesting tidbits from the survey responses already, including that 6,800 self-employed respondents were responsible for over 170,000 sites personally, and charged a median hourly rate of $50. In tough economic times, it’s heartening to see Open Source creating so many jobs. (If each site took only 3 hours to make, that’s $29.5M of work at the average hourly rate.)

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